Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol. 55, Iss. 8, August 2013
Hearing Loss and Use of Hearing Protection Among Career Firefighters in the United States
Objective To determine the prevalence and characteristics of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and the use of hearing protection devices (HPDs) among career firefighters.
Methods A Web-based survey and a standard audiometric test were performed with 425 firefighters from three states in the United States.
Results More than 40% showed hearing loss in the noise-sensitive frequencies (4 and 6 kHz). The left ear showed significantly poorer hearing than the right ear. Firefighters having longer years of work in fire services demonstrated significantly worse hearing. Reported use of HPDs was 34% of the time that was needed. Firefighters who used HPDs less were significantly more likely to have hearing loss.
Conclusions This study demonstrated a considerable NIHL problem and low use of HPDs in firefighters. More comprehensive hearing conservation programs should be implemented to reduce NIHL for firefighters.
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